Please follow the below steps
1. If the database name is : NorthWindDB.
2. in web.config file add the following code.
3. In the code file, import the following namespaces.
Imports System.Data;
Imports System,Data.SqlClient;
4. Add the reference to System.Configuration namespace. By right clicking the project -> click Add Reference -> select System.Configuration -> ok.
Write the following code to connect to the database and execute the query "select * from Emp". This query retreives all the rows from the Emp table of the NorthWindDB database.
5.Dim con as New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("NorthWindDB").ConnectionString()
dim cmd as New SqlCommand(con,"select * from Emp")
dim dr as SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
//Process the data as per your requirement.
End While
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